Singing My Shoulda Coulda Woulda’s

Poem by Shel Silverstein

I haven’t seen a show in a long time. It’s been more than a month I think.  There have been a few shows I would have liked to go to; big ones popping up in my head right now: Braids, Sleigh Bells with Danny Brown AND Doldrums, Kanye West…

Whatever the reason may be that I somehow decided not to attend a live show – i.e. ‘It’s Sunday, I want to be lazy and not move from this couch all day,’ ‘Oh shit, that’s an awesome lineup…but it’s at Terminal 5,’ or some sort of money related problem – I always wish I had.  I’ll daydream about what the concert must have been like and how awesome it must have been.  Concert remorse.

Last week, I kept hearing about this guy Mikal Cronin and that he was playing a show at Webster.  I saw his name mentioned a few times, one being from New York Magazine’s suggested events, but I had never heard of him before.  And I didn’t end up going to his show.

Right at this moment, I have almost completely listened to Cronin’s 3 albums on Spotify.  This happens a lot: I hear of a show but I’ve never heard the bands before, soon after their show I will listen to them and wish I had gone to the show.  I could have seen this played live?  Concert remorse.

This guy Mikal Cronin is awesome.  He makes garage rock pop noise California music and he has a collaborative album with Ty Segall.  Cronin’s newest album, MCII, is decidedly California surf-rock, and arguably more easy listening than his past albums.  I like Mikal Cronin in all his forms and will be sure to catch him next time he’s in town – which hopefully won’t be too long.

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